Loving More Nonprofit

Poly Leadership Summit #3 February 2010

Hats off to Reid Mihalko for doing a phenomenal job heading up the third Poly Leadership Summit.  The Summit took place just after Poly Living Philadelphia.   The Summit was put together somewhat last minute and Reid stepped forward to help organize and facilitate.

Sunday night started off with some fun and time to let go after a weekend of intense workshops.  Monday it was down to business of really defining why we are all here and how we can work together. For me it felt like we made so much progress.  Last year, in which I was part of the organizing committee, seemed a bit over organized and structured.  It was a good start.  This year though it felt like we made progress toward both working together as a movement and making progress on specific projects.

I look forward to the next Summit which we are intending to be on the West Coast in the fall.  Keep an eye out for details.  If you are interested in poly activism you can contact me and I will direct you to the right people.


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